Lilian Güntsche, Gründerin & Inhaberin von GÜNTSCHE CONCEPTS & THE DIGNIFIED SELF® berät namhafte Marken, Industriekunden und Agenturen in der digitalen Strategieentwicklung, agilen Projektsteuerung, im Marketing und im Change Management.
Über Lilian Güntsche
Lilian Güntsche, Inhaberin & Gründerin von Güntsche Concepts und THE DIGNIFIED SELF® ist seit 15 Jahren im Marketing- und Kommunikationsumfeld der Technologie- und Medienbranche aktiv.
Sie unterstützt namhafte Unternehmen in der digitalen Strategieentwicklung, agilen Projektsteuerung, im Change Management und im Marketing.
Service & Leistungen
Das sagen glückliche Kunden über Güntsche Concepts
“It was an absolute pleasure working with Lilian. She is a smart, strategic thinker, who is also happy to get hands-on and sort things out. Lilian makes it happen and gets it done – always in time and budget and with an outstandingly positive way and in a charming matter. She is proactive, passionate for her work, creative, solution oriented and manages stakeholders perfectly. Lilian is an asset to any company. Snap her up while you can!“

As an agile project manager in one of our leading European e-commerce projects, Lilian has continuously inspired, supported and pushed the team to deliver a best-in-class solution. Lilian is an outstandingly positive person. Not only is she an expert in staying focused in challenging times, she is also a great strategic thinker with a strong can-do mentality. We truly enjoy working with her for several years now in various roles and projects.

Lilian hat bei uns an einem Intranet-Reorganisationsprojekt eines DAX-Unternehmens mitgewirkt. Wir haben sie als sehr kompetente Mitarbeiterin mit hohem Digital-Know-How kennengelernt. Für eine Zusammenarbeit empfehlen wir Sie gerne weiter.

“I had the pleasure to have Lilian in my Digital Marketing Team, managing “Die Autosuche.” from the creative side – a very innovative project , which was successfully launched for smartphones, tablets and desktop. Also she was responsible as lead digital strategist to develop several digital strategy papers. She did an excellent job in the ideation, positioning, creation, management and execution. Lilian is a digital expert with a motivating get-it-done mentality, she is passionate about everything she does and a major asset to any team. I’d recommend her any time.“

“I’ve known Lilian for several years and have worked with her in different areas: app projects, workshops, coachings as well as brand cooperations. She is a respected mobile specialist and marketing expert. In addition to that, her creativity, reliability and nice personality must also be named. It’s a true pleasure to work with Lilian.
I had the great pleasure to work with Lilian as part of my team for the recently relaunched model pages on She was the lead Senior Account Manager on the project and did an awesome job with a highly complex project. She always managed to inspire the team and the client and lead the project steady over the finish line. Congratulations, thank you and great job!

I had the pleasure to have Lilian on my team in the role of the responsible senior account manager for the relaunch of an international MNO e-commerce portal. Delivery on time, client happy. Who could ask for more? Moreover Lilian is a black-belt-expert in all-things-mobile – and great singer, too.

Over the years I’ve had the great pleasure to be working with Lilian in several highly complex website projects for two DAX companies. She is a bright strategic thinker, an amazing project lead and a highly valued advisor. Additionally, Lilian facilitates and moderates brilliant agile workshops that motivate and inspire. She is a very skilled marketeer and Scrum Master, who is extremely focussed, creative and value driven.
“Lilian Güntsche verantwortete unser Projekt als Digital Consultant und Projektmanagerin und war maßgeblich an der inhaltlichen Konzeption unseres sendebegleitenden Multiplattformerlebnisses BABYLON BEYOND, einer Kombination aus 360-Grad-Projektion, App sowie einem multisensorischen VR-Erlebnis, beteiligt. Neben ihrem großen Wissen und ihrer ausgezeichneten fachlichen Kompetenz zeichnete sich Frau Güntsche insbesondere durch ihre Freundlichkeit und Teamfähigkeit aus. Sie war ein Gewinn für unser Team und ein überaus zuverlässiger Partner.“
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In Kooperation mit dem Reader’s Digest Magazin haben wir von THE DIGNIFIED SELF kürzlich erstmalig das Thema „Achtsame Markenführung“ (bzw. „Mindful Branding“ – wie wir es gerne nennen) unter die Lupe genommen.
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